Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us, so Sideline (the “Site”) has created this Privacy Policy to explain how your information is protected, collected and used. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. You can always review the most current version here. By using the Site, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and are aware that our policies may evolve in the future. If there is a conflict between our Terms of Use governing your use of the Site and this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use control.

Protecting Your Privacy

During the registration on the Site, we collect “Personally Identifiable Information”, such as your name, telephone number, e-mail address, or other information that can be used to identify you or contact you.

* Sideline will not share any of your Personally Identifiable Information, except for the information you choose to publicly disclose in the posts, comments, questions or feedback you submit, with advertisers or any third-parties for marketing purposes.
* Sideline offers email anonymity and makes all efforts to protect your identity.
* Account information is password protected. Keep your password safe.

Sideline, or people that submit posts on Sideline, may provide links to third party web sites, which may have different privacy practices than SideLine. We are not responsible for, nor have any control over, the privacy policies on these third party web sites. We encourage all users to read the privacy policies of every web site you visit.


Registration is optional, but may be required to submit a post or comment through our service or to use other types of functionality that require the service to recognize a user (e.g., personally contacting the site users by sending a message). If you decide to register or sign up for certain services, you will need to give us certain Personally Identifiable Information, such as a valid e-mail address, postal address, telephone number. This Personally Identifiable Information will be used to personalize and improve your experience of our service. This information will not be disclosed to any third-party without your explicit consent, except where explicitly required by order of a Zimbabwean court of law.

Registered users may choose to receive the notifications or receive other mailings from us regarding our service or the Site. You may opt-out of receiving future mailings as part of the registration process.

You can review and change your Personally Identifiable Information at any time.


Like many web sites, Sideline uses a standard technology called “cookies.” A cookie is a small text file stored on your computer’s hard drive that can be accessed by a specific web site to make your experience quicker and more convenient. Cookies allow registered users to login without entering their ID and password each time they use SideLine. Cookies also help us understand how our users use the Site, which allows us to improve the service. We do not use cookies to retrieve any information from your computer other than the information we provide, such as a user code.

Data We Collect

In addition to Personally Identifiable Information you provide at registration or by using the service, we collect the following information:

* Correspondence. Correspondence between you and the other party initiated through our site, and correspondence to us.
* “Anonymous Information” such as your IP address, the type of browser you use, the pages on our Site that you visit. This information is used to help us diagnose problems, administer the site and otherwise improve our service to you.

Data We Store

The following information is stored in our database, even after deletion, and may be archived:

* Registration information.
* All posts’ content.
* Messages sent in regard to posts.

Although we make good faith efforts to store information in a secure environment that is not made available to the public, we cannot possibly guarantee infinite safety.


We may use the information you disclosed to us to:

* Provide our services to you.
* Provide customer service to you.
* Prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
* Enforce our Terms of Use.
* Automatically scan messages to check for spam, fraud, phishing attacks and other malicious activity or illegal or prohibited content.


Sideline may disclose information about its users if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to:

* Respond to a legal process (e.g., summons, court orders).
* Respond to claims that a listing or content violates the rights of third parties.
* Enforce our Terms of Use.
* Protect the rights, property or personal safety of SideLine, its users or the general public.

If we merge with or are acquired by another company, the resulting combined company will use the information you have provided as described in this Privacy Policy.