
Sideline is an independent online sports journalism platform, reporting from the margins of mainstream sports media. Our journalism tells stories from the perspectives of traditionally marginalised communities, improving the representation of black and minority ethnic, female, LGBTQI+, and differently-abled athletes. We highlight the ideas, perspectives and initiatives of people working together to build a better sporting world, while exploring opportunities for systemic social change.

At Sideline, our coverage goes beyond the surface and delves into the heart of the sports world, offering a unique and inclusive perspective. We are committed to surfacing stories often overshadowed by mainstream media, focusing on traditionally marginalised communities and underrepresented athletes.

Our coverage extends to a diverse range of sports, from football, basketball, and rugby, to niche pastimes that deserve similar recognition. We provide in-depth analysis, feature articles, interviews, and multimedia content that capture the essence of each sport and the individuals who make it flourish.

One of our core missions is to amplify the voices of black and minority ethnic athletes, female athletes, LGBTQI+ athletes, and those who have overcome physical challenges. We contribute to a more inclusive and equitable sports landscape by showcasing their achievements, struggles, and triumphs.

Beyond individual achievements, we are passionate about highlighting the collective efforts shaping a better future for sports. We explore initiatives, organisations, and movements committed to dismantling barriers, promoting diversity, and fostering community within the sporting world.

Whether it’s the inspiring journey of a young athlete, the impact of a grassroots sports program, or the intersection of sports and social issues, our coverage aims to spark meaningful conversations and encourage positive change. We invite you to explore our platform and discover the stories that redefine sports journalism and celebrate the true spirit of athleticism.

Sideline Extra is a quarterly digital magazine. The theme for the launch issue – Black Lives Matter – was selected in order to capture this extraordinary moment in both sporting history and the ongoing fight for racial justice.

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Joe Ruzvidzo profile

Joe Ruzvidzo | Founder
Joe is a writer and freelance journalist with a keen interest in tech, sports and consumer affairs. His professional career has included sports journalism, internet services, video editing, customer service, web development, photography and graphic design. He is a member of the UK’s National Union of Journalists and the Sports Journalists’ Association.
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